Phone: (559) 495-5615 Fax: (559) 495-5659

Welcome and Sign-Up

Eagle Academy is a free afterschool program at West Fresno Elementary School, that works together with teachers, support staff and the community to offer extended learning and academic programs,  physical fitness activities, and wide range of enrichments.

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Mission Statement

Our mission is simple; support learning outside the classroom by continuing to challenge students  academically and through providing creative enrichments that further enhance learning.  Physical activities that promote a healthy lifestyle and social development.  

Our Goal

  • To propel students past their current academic standings, to one that reflects their true aptitude.
  • Provide a safe and support environment.
  • Collaborate with Parents, the school and the community
  • Assist in student support
  • Provide structured enrichments that cultivate learning
  • Physical Activities that encourage a healthy lifestyle and social development.

Our Philosophy

There are many things that young children need to learn. We strive to go beyond that to include teaching Personal Empowerment through positive decision making and accountability.

Our students and staff are highly valued  here at Eagle Academy, everyone here is an asset.

Program Description:


Our Academic Program is designed to work, hand-in-hand with the teachers and staff, so students are able to continue learning in-class concepts in the after school program.  There is an hour and half designated for 4th, and 5th graders solely for homework, reading and math and for K-3, there is an hour and 15 minutes.

Extended Learning or EL

Is  for students who need additional academic assistance, that is specifically focused on  Math and English Language Arts.  Theses students are referred by either a teacher, a tutor or parent

Physical Fitness

Our activities are both physical and creative.  Listed below are some of the activities that will be offered on-site that meet the criteria that is required by California Common Core Standards.




Learning should be fun, our enrichments are a way to improve academic performance and social development. The classes provided are on-site, and  engage  students with fun activities that create a desire to learn and build upon new ideas.

Listed below are some of the Enrichments and Physical Activities that may be offered to students to explore. Students will be able to sign-up for the activity of their choice and will remain for the duration of the class, which will run for 6 to 8 weeks.

Musical Instruments

Students will learn about instruments/music around the world. They will get to create instruments and learn a few beats.

Lego Architects

Students will learn about popular landmarks found all over the world and get to recreate them using LEGOs.

Artists Around the World

Students will be learning about famous artists from around the world and will recreate their known art pieces.

Bohemian Dance

ASP dancers will learn Bohemian dance techniques as they learn a choreographed dance.

Holiday Arts

The students create crafts honoring different cultures.


Each week students will focus on a specific country and the food they eat. They will create their own menus and open their own ASP restaurant.

Celebrations Around the World

Students will have the opportunity to learn about different cultural celebrations.

Cultural Dance

Students will have the opportunity to learn a variety of dances from Square Dancing to Baile Azteca.

Young Chefs

The young chefs will learn to cook quick snacks found in different areas of the world.


Students will learn about the characteristics of a good leader. We will create young leaders of ASP.


Students will have the opportunity to learn and play sports found in different countries.

Disney Arts and Crafts

Disney has very diverse characters. The students will use Disney movies to learn about diversity and create Disney related crafts.


Students get to learn their skills from professional karate experts.

Pep and Cheer

Upper Grade students will learn pep, cheer, and basic stunts.

DIY Arts

The students will get to create things found on Pinterest.

Important Program Information


Attendance Policy

Students is the ASP may be picked up after staying a minimum of 2 hours.  After 3 unexcused absences students will be dismissed from program. Parents must notify the program if student will be absent before 2pm . If students must be picked up earlier than the two hour time frame a valid excuse must be given,  and an Early Release form filled and completed with attached documentation.  

Sports Enrollment

Students who are participating in sports will be part of the ASP for the duration of the sport. All athletes need to have an application for ASP on file, and prior to the start of the season.

Homework Policy

Homework is an element to the educational process, and  it reinforces what is being taught in the classroom.   The ASP is here to assists with homework and academic support.  It is expected that most if not all homework be completed during the academic component of our program.  If there are any issues pertaining to the work being assigned to the student, please speak to the teacher assigning  the homework.


A student may receive a write-up for failure to follow school or classroom rules designated by the After School Program. Parents will be notified of their child’s offense(s) if they are serious, continuous, or  interrupt the learning and/or safety of others. Consequences of such actions will result in suspensions or expulsion from program.


Monday through Thursday Schedule

           Lower Grade

2:20-2:50 Sign In/ Snack/ Break
2:55-4:10 Homework/Academics
4:10-4:15 Transition
4:15-5:15 Enrichments
5:20-5:50 Physical Activity
5:50 Bus Dismissal
5:50-5:50 Structured Activity
5:50-6:10 Clean Up

    Upper Grade

3:10-3:25 Sign In/ Snack
3:30-5:00 Homework/ Academic
5:00-5:05 Transitions
5:05-5:50 Enrichments
5:50 Bus Dismissal
5:50-6:10 Clean Up


Friday Schedule

           Lower Grade

2:20-2:50 Sign In/ Snack/ Break
2:55-4:10 Homework/Academics
4:10-4:15 Transition
4:15-5:15 Enrichments
5:20-5:50 Physical Activity
5:50 Bus Dismissal
5:50-5:50 Structured Activity
5:50-6:10 Clean Up

Upper Grade

3:10-3:20 Sign In/Snack
3:20-4:50 Enrichment
4:50-5:00 Enrichment Clean Up
5:00-5:50 Structured Activity
5:50 Bus Dismissal
5:50-6:10 Clean Up


***** Bus Schedule Will Change to 5pm Departure When Daylight*****

Savings Goes into Effect